If you're not like me, then you probably haven't read two very important texts for any teacher of reading. They are:
Okay, Okay, so what if I have a HUGE library of professional texts. I use them. I review them. I NEED them... and, I am always looking for the newest references by notable educators. Gretchen Owocki is a favorite of mine so I'll start with hers. She co-authored one of my favorite texts that I used as a pre-school teacher: Kidwatching.
The RTI Daily Planning book includes many assessments that can be used for specific areas of reading need. It also includes some great graphic organizers with rubrics directly on them (for plot, characters, etc.). I think I'm going to mirror those graphic organizers and create one for each organizational text type (cause and effect, compare/contrast, etc.). This text has given me some great ideas.
This book has a great fluency rubric! It is very similar to one that I created but I felt it was great to see that I must be on the right track! This text also contains some great sound and picture boxes (elkonin boxes with pictures), a lesson plan guide to focus on text processing and a lesson plan guide to focus on text comprehending. Can you say STRATEGY GROUPS?!?! There are even long text lists to use with all of these possible assessments and I'm sure many of the texts on these lists can be found in your school's library or even at your local library.
Okay, let's back up for a minute.
If you are a teacher of any grade above 2nd, you probably just glanced at the first text listed.
Back up, and look at that cover again. RTI Assessments and Remediation
YES, it says it is for K-2 but many students in all grade levels, even in high school need to go back to the basics at times. Trust me, I have taught those high school students that have learned so many bad habits and that are reading "below the 4th grade level" that you don't even know where to start. If you are looking for a text for progress monitoring for these types of students, then this is your savior.
I have been searching for a text such as this one for quite some time now and I have finally found it. I reviewed tons of other texts for similar assessments but what is so unique about this text is that it includes all of the assessments so they are ready to use.
One downside is that the leveled texts you need to copy are loosely leveled. They are given ranges of F&P (Fountas and Pinnell) Guided reading levels. This doesn't bother me because I know that there are many different leveling systems and every teacher levels his/her books differently. But for some, it might be an issue. However, what does bother me is the lack of texts it has. I would have liked to have more of these books to copy, at all of the levels because I try to progress monitor my students bi-weekly or even weekly for some (I have close to 100 students on my roster). Some of you are probably thinking, why doesn't she just use Reading A-Z.com. Great minds think alike. I do use them - the benchmark passages - because they are short and sweet and get me the info that I need. But... again, there are only 4 for each level.
Anyway, if you have students that need to be progress monitored for phonemic awareness or other early literacy skills, you will be happy with this book. Worst case scenario, order it online, review it and bring it back if you don't think it is worth the $20.
If you decide to purchase either of these texts, please be sure to drop me a note and let me know what you think of them.
Thanks for reading!
"Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life"
- Mortimer J. Adler
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